DE PAULA GARCIA, RAFAEL; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires, DE CASTRO LEMONGE, AFONSO CELSO; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO;. An enhanced surrogate-assisted differential evolution for constrained optimization problems. SOFT COMPUTING, v. 2023, p. 1, 2023.
DIEZEL, ALEXANDRE REZENDE ; Correa, Fabrício Nogueira ; VAZ, MURILO AUGUSTO ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Investigation of roll damping effects on deep water FPSOs with riser balcony through global coupled analysis. Ships and Offshore Structures, v. 18, p. 34-41, 2023.
CORRÊA, FABRÍCIO NOGUEIRA ; PONS, RODRIGO ALVES ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Integrity assessment of the mooring lines and risers of floating production systems based on numerical models generated by retroanalysis of measured data: PART I - Retroanalysis procedure. OCEAN ENGINEERING, v. 272, p. 113910, 2023.
CORRÊA, FABRÍCIO NOGUEIRA ; FRANZ, ALEXANDRA SILVA ; PONS, RODRIGO ALVES ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Integrity assessment of the mooring lines and risers of floating production systems based on numerical models generated by retroanalysis of measured data: PART II - Integrity Assessment. OCEAN ENGINEERING, v. 273, p. 113942, 2023.
CRUZ, RODRIGO O ; DUARTE, GRASIELE R ; LIMA, BEATRIZ ; JACOB, BRENO P . Optimization of steel jackets to support offshore wind turbines using evolutionary algorithms. Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme, v. 2023, p. 1-45, 2023.
Stape, Philip ; RAPOZO, MURILO FIORENZANO ; BAIOCO, JULIANA SOUZA ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO ; Rocha, Djalene Maria . Methodologies for automated design of subsea layout alternatives for oil production systems. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH, v. 139, p. 103706, 2023.
KOCHEM, RODRIGO M ; NOGUEIRA CORREA, FABRÍCIO ; JACOB, BRENO P . Numerical evaluation of an efficient deep-water mooring configuration designed to allow a fast identification of failure events. Journal Of Offshore Mechanics And Arctic Engineering-Transactions Of The Asme, v. 1, p. 1-25, 2022.
DO PRADO, VINÍCIUS GARCIA ; MONTEIRO, BRUNO DA FONSECA ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Optimal design of mooring systems for floating production units based on metamodel-assisted Differential Evolution. OCEAN ENGINEERING, v. 266, p. 112752, 2022.
MONTEIRO, BRUNO DA FONSECA ; BAIOCO, JULIANA SOUZA ; ALBRECHT, CARL HORST ; DE LIMA, BEATRIZ SOUZA LEITE PIRES ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Optimization of mooring systems in the context of an integrated design methodology. MARINE STRUCTURES, v. 75, p. 102874, 2021.
CRUCES GIRON, ALDO ROBERTO ; MENDEZ RODRIGUEZ, WILLIAM STEVEN ; NOGUEIRA CORREA, FABRÍCIO ; JACOB, BRENO P . An enhanced semi-coupled methodology for the analysis and design of floating production systems. JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, v. 1, p. 1-33, 2020.
CRUCES-GIRÓN, ALDO ROBERTO ; CORRÊA, FABRÍCIO NOGUEIRA ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . A semi-coupled methodology for the motion analysis of floating production systems. Ships and Offshore Structures, v. 14, p. 363-370, 2019.
DE ARAÚJO NETO, ELÓI DANIEL ; JACOVAZZO, Bruno Martins ; CORREA, FABRICIO NOGUEIRA ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Numerical evaluation of a subsea equipment installation method designed to avoid resonant responses. APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH, v. 88, p. 288-305, 2019.
BAIOCO, JULIANA SOUZA ; DE LIMA, MAURO HENRIQUE ALVES ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO ; Rocha, Djalene Maria . Optimal Design of Submarine Pipelines by a Genetic Algorithm with Embedded On-Bottom Stability Criteria. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING (ONLINE), v. 2018, p. 1-21, 2018.
GARCIA, RAFAEL DE PAULA ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; LEMONGE, AFONSO CELSO DE CASTRO ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . A rank-based constraint handling technique for engineering design optimization problems solved by genetic algorithms. COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES, v. 187, p. 77-87, 2017.
Monteiro, Bruno da Fonseca ; DE PINA, ALINE APARECIDA ; BAIOCO, JULIANA SOUZA ; ALBRECHT, C. H. ; DE LIMA, BEATRIZ SOUZA LEITE PIRES ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro . Toward a methodology for the optimal design of mooring systems for floating offshore platforms using evolutionary algorithms. Marine Systems & Ocean Technology, v. 1, p. 1, 2016.
CRUCES-GIRÓN, ALDO ROBERTO ; CORRÊA, FABRÍCIO NOGUEIRA ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . A semi-coupled methodology for the motion analysis of floating production systems. Ships and Offshore Structures, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2016.
de Pina, Aline Aparecida ; MONTEIRO, Bruno da Fonseca ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Artificial Neural Networks for the analysis of spread-mooring configurations for floating production systems. Applied Ocean Research, v. 59, p. 254-264, 2016.
Correa, Fabrício Nogueira ; JACOVAZZO, Bruno Martins ; DE LIMA, MAURO HENRIQUE ALVES ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO. A reduced integration method for the coupled analysis of floating production systems. Ocean Engineering, v. 104, p. 422-436, 2015.
CRUCES GIRÓN, ALDO ROBERTO ; CORRÊA, FABRÍCIO NOGUEIRA ; VÁZQUEZ HERNÁNDEZ, ALBERTO OMAR ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . An integrated methodology for the design of mooring systems and risers. Marine Structures, v. 39, p. 395-423, 2014.
DE PINA, ALOÍSIO CARLOS ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Wavelet network meta-models for the analysis of slender offshore structures. Engineering Structureshttp v. 68, p. 71-84, 2014.
DE LUCENA, RODRIGO RIBEIRO ; BAIOCO, JULIANA SOUZA ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; JACOB, BRENO PINHEIRO . Optimal design of submarine pipeline routes by genetic algorithm with different constraint handling techniques. Advances in Engineering Software (1992), v. 76, p. 110-124, 2014.
de PINA, A. C. ; MONTEIRO, Bruno da Fonseca ; ALBRECHT, Carl H ; de Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro . ANN and Wavelet Network Meta-Models for the Coupled Analysis of Floating Production Systems. Applied Ocean Research, v. 48, p. 21-32, 2014.
DE PINA, ALOÍSIO CARLOS ; de Pina, Aline Aparecida ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; LEITE PIRES DE LIMA, BEATRIZ SOUZA ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro . ANN-based surrogate models for the analysis of mooring lines and risers. Applied Ocean Research, v. 41, p. 76-86, 2013.
GIRON, A. R. C. ; Correa, Fabrício Nogueira ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro . Metodologia de Projeto Integrado de Sistemas de Ancoragem e Risers de Plataformas Flutuantes de Produção. Petro & Química, São Paulo, p. 72 - 77.
Jacob, Breno Pinheiro ; FRANCO, Luciano Donizetti ; RODRIGUES, Marcos Vinicius ; Correa, Fabrício Nogueira ; JACOVAZZO, Bruno Martins . Parallel Implementations of Coupled Formulations for the Analysis of Floating Production Systems, Part II: Domain Decomposition Strategies.. Ocean Engineering, v. 55, p. 219-234, 2012.
VIEIRA, Ian Nascimento ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro ; Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires . Bio-inspired algorithms for the optimization of offshore oil production systems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (Print), v. 1, p. n/a-n/a, 2012.
Jacob, Breno Pinheiro ; BAHIENSE, Rodrigo Almeida ; Correa, Fabrício Nogueira ; JACOVAZZO, Bruno Martins . Parallel Implementations of Coupled Formulations for the Analysis of Floating Production Systems, Part I: Coupling Formulations. Ocean Engineering, v. 01, p. 133, 2012.
Pina, Aline Aparecida ; Albrecht, Carl Horst ; Lima, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires ; Jacob, Breno Pinheiro . Tailoring the particle swarm optimization algorithm for the design of offshore oil production risers. Optimization and Engineering (Print)
, v. 12, p. 215-235, 2011
CORREA, Fabrício Nogueira; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; MANSUR, Webe João. Formulation of an efficient hybrid time frequency domain solution procedure for linear structural dynamic problems. Computers & Structures, v. 88, p. 331-346, 2010.
NORONHA Jr., Dauro Braga; MARTINS, Ricardo Rodrigues; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; SOUZA, Eduardo. Procedures for the strain based assessment of pipeline dents. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, v. 87, p. 254-265, 2010.
SILVA, Danilo Machado Lawinscky da; LIMA JR., Mauro Henrique Alaves; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Numerical Model for the Simulation of the Pipeline-Laybarge Interaction in Pipelaying Procedures. International journal of modeling and simulation for the petroleum industry, v. 3, p. 13-22, 2009.
VIEIRA, Ian Nascimento; ANGELO, José Moreira da Silva; LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. A Comparative Study applied to Riser Optimization using Bio-inspired Algorithms. International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso), v. 3, p. 5-12, 2009.
SILVA, Danilo Machado Lawinscky da; ALBRECHT, Carl H; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; MASETTI, Isaías Quaresma; BARROS, Claudio R Mansur. A Computational System for Subsea Pipelaying Simulation. International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso), v. 3, p. 35-45, 2009.
PEREIRA, Leonardo Cabra; FALCÃO F. O. L.; GUIMARÃES, L.J.D.N. ; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Sensitivity Study of Geomechanical Effects on Reservoir Simulation. International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the Petroleum Industry (Impresso), v. 3, p. 57-63, 2009.
VIEIRA, Ian Nascimento; LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Optimization of Steel Catenary Risers for Offshore Oil Production Using Artificial Immune System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science - Artificial Immune Systems. Heidelberg: Springer, 2008, v. 5132, p. 254-265.
KUNITAKI, Denise Margareth Kazue Nishimura; LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; EVSUKOFF, Alexandre Gonçalves; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Probabilistic and Fuzzy Arithmetic Approaches for the Treatment of Uncertainties in the Installation of Torpedo Piles. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, v. 2008, p. 1-27, 2008.
RODRIGUES, Marcos Vinícius; CORREA, Fabrício Nogueira; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Implicit domain decomposition methods for coupled analysis of offshore platforms. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 23, p. 599-621, 2007.
LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. A Hybrid Fuzzy/Genetic Algorithm for the Design of Offshore Oil Production Risers. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 64, p. 1459-1482, 2005.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; RODRIGUES, P. F. N.. Collapse analysis of steel jacket structures for offshore oil exploitation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Elsevier Science, UK, v. 61, n. 8, p. 1147-1171, 2005.
VIEIRA, Luciano Tardelli; LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EVSUKOFF, Alexandre Gonçalves. Aplicação de algoritmos genéticos para otimização de configurações de linhas flexíveis. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, v. 2, n. 2, p. 105-114, 2003.
RODRIGUES, P. F. N.; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Formulação Não-Linear Física e Geométrica para a Análise de Plataformas Fixas Offshore Considerando o Endurecimento do Material. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, v. 2, n. 1, p. 29-40, 2002.
FERNANDES, Antonio Carlos; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; SILVA, Renato M. C.; CARVALHO, Rogério A.; LEMOS, Carlos A. D. . Alternative Design of Flexible Jumpers for Deepwater Hybrid Riser Configurations. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, ASME - USA, v. 123, n. 2, p. 57, 2001.
SOUZA, M.; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; ELLWANGER, G. B.. Structural design of process decks for floating production, storage and offloading units. Marine Structures, v. 11, n. 10, p. 403-412, 1998.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.; GOMES, M. G. F. M.. Numerical simulation of the 'pull-in' operation in submarine pipelines. Engineering Structures, v. 19, n. 10, p. 868-876, 1997.
LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.; BENJAMIM, Adilson Carvalho. Portable Fortran Programming Tools In The Development Of A Structural Analysis Program. Computers & Structures, v. 57, n. 6, p. 1109-1125, 1995.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. An Optimized Implementation Of The Newmark/Newton-Raphson Algorithm For The Time Integration Of Nonlinear Problems. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, v. 10, p. 983-992, 1994.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Towards An Adaptive Semi-Implicit Solution Scheme For Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Problems. Computers & Structures, v. 52, n. 3, p. 495-504, 1994.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Adaptive Time Integration Of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Problems. European Journal of Mechanics. A, Solids, v. 12, n. 2, p. 277-298, 1993.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Análise Não-Linear Dinâmica Adaptativa de 'Risers' Flexíveis Para A Exploração de Petróleo No Mar. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia - Caderno de Engenharia Estrutural, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, v. 8, n. 2, p. 83-91, 1992.
MOITA, G. F.; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; SOUZA, L. A.; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Computation Of Crack-Growth In Axisymmetric Shells With Local Irregularities. Advances in Engineering Software, v. 14, n. 1, p. 47-54, 1992.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Adaptive Reduced Integration Method For Nonlinear Structural Dynamic Analysis. Computers & Structures, v. 45, n. 2, p. 333-347, 1992.
LIMA, Beatriz Souza Leite Pires; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Colapso de Tubulações Submarinas Para Águas Profundas. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia - Caderno de Engenharia Estrutural, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, v. 8, n. 1, p. 23-36, 1991.
JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. An Adaptive Strategy For The Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis Of Structures. Latin American Applied Research, v. 21, n. 1, p. 225-234, 1991.
LIMA, E. C. P.; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Análise de Risers Flexíveis Por Um Método de Redução de Base. Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, v. 6, n. 4, p. 483-491, 1990.
ALVES, T. M. J; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro. Efeito da Espessura do Anular Na Resistência de Aderência de Conexões Grouteadas. Boletim Técnico da Petrobrás, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, v. 33, n. 4, p. 251-255, 1990.
BENJAMIM, Adilson Carvalho; JACOB, Breno Pinheiro; MOURELLE, Márcio Martins; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Coupled And Uncoupled Solutions For The Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviour Of Guyed Deepwater Platforms. Advances in Engineering Software, v. 10, n. 1, p. 2-7, 1988.